
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.
Antonio was supposed to be a cool guy, you know.
I noticed that this black bar is my fishing rod...
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.

Steffen was like a power plant. We were surprised at his toughness so many times.
He can sleep on snow and make firewood outside in a T-shirt only.
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.

Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.
Warmness of the inside of the cabin made us take a deep and peaceful breath.
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.

The ice covering the lake consisted of two layers. The upper layer was about 10cm, so it was very easy to hole and I thought like,
“Come on! Ice, torture me more!”
But I realized that it had been my wrong idea soon, because the bottom layer was about 30cm and harder than the upper layer.
Needless to say, I was completely exhausted.
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.

Cabin Trip4 23rd/Jan.
You shouldn't ask me how many fishes we got. The buckets would have been filled with a lot of fishes.
Cabin Trip4 23rd/Jan.

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