

Nightscape of Sluppen in Trondheim
Nightscape of Sluppen in Trondheim

Cabin trip4 22nd/Jan.
The Cabin Fla Koie welcomed us with the clear sky. The lake on the cabin was completely frozen. White of the lake and blue of the sky were breathtaking.
We had come to Fla Koie in September, so this was the second time to come. But the landscape seemed totally different in winter.
Cabin trip4 22nd/Jan.

We hesitated to step on the ice, because nobody knew how thick the ice covering the lake was. But Riccardo tried to step on the ice. And then we realized that we don't need to care for the thickness of the ice.
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.

Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.
The cabin dressing plenty of snow showed us another aspect, compared with it in September.
There are lots of sign boards indicating direction of each country on the trunk in front of the cabin.
It was a pity, we couldn’t find the one Riccardo had made in September. So David made new one indicating the location of the hole for our ice fishing.
Cabin Trip4 22nd/Jan.

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